During the 90-s Penthouse published a monthly magazine called Penthouse Comix, there was also a Dutch version. In 1998 they brought a "Penthouse Comix Erotic Poster Art Box 1998." Part of it was a semi-finished booklet called "How do I get through the holidays with a scratch ..." by Emiel Jansens. For non-dutch readers, I translated the texts.
Emiel Jansens
How do I get
through the holidays
with a scratch ...
appropriate sex positions
for party-animals
from Christmas till Animal Day
feastly delicious

A feast of Intercourse positions.
Advices in the field of sex during holidays could be found over the centuries in almanacs and annuals. Better class people called on the help of a soothsayer or court physician, who based their advice on the state of the moon, for information on the proper intercourse position at the proper day. Therefore monday was an exquisite day to experiment on newly invented positions. Popular positions were the "Court Position" (group sex with courtiers) and "Hugo Grotius Position" (sex in a closed book chest). Especially common people were very superstitious when sex on Christian Holy-days was involved. In order to get remission for their sins, they made love preferably on a bed made from pages ripped off from a bible. The ink impressions on their bottoms was seen as a sign of approvement of God. Moreover, during confession they only had to show off their imprinted buttocks to qualify for getting absolution. Together with the illustrations of Emiel Jansens in this booklet, you will find a number of applicable old almanac references to festival days as we know them still nowadays.
Arrangement and translation:
Prof. Dr. A.J. Goejanverwellesluis

X-mas Day - 25th of december
'Whoever makes love during the last week of december shall commemorate the Christ child. Grease for that reason the rubyfruit of the woman with the bleeding from yhe abortion of a young sow that has not been impregnated by more than one boar. Let her not be in touch with the seed, in view of the immaculate conception of Maria.' (France, 1607)

Old Year Out, New Year In Day - 31st of december-1st of january
During the turn of the year, mothers kept their daughters in house, because the superstition was that the aged people could heave their approaching death beyond the new year by mating a fresh virgin. The rare individual that could get hold of a young woman, let off rockets to draw the attention of others to her presence: the beginning of a tradition.

Epiphany Day - 6th of january
On the 6th of january massive orgies took place of male trios. The attendants imagined they were Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar, the three three Wise Men from the East. One believed that the trios had been touched by their wisdom after the intercourse. That held also for the one who made love with these men during the three days afterwards.

Valentine's Day - 14th of february
The day that Saint Valentine had been decapitated and all birds were supposed to mate. Salve of the male genitals of the turtle-dove was seen as an appropriate remedy for impotence and infertility. About the French Sun King is known that he made his pubic hair cut with a pair of scisors made of the bill of a turtle-dove.

Easter Day
Touch the ovaries:'during Easter the woman hides herself barebuttocked, outside in the bush and puts her legs widely apart in the air. Her blindfolded man gropes his way to her and dips his stick in her ovum.' (Belgium, 1754). Coming was called 'hatching' or 'making scrambled eggs.'

Queen's Day - 30th of april (a dutch holiday, birthday of the former queen Juliana)
In dutch, the word for 'queen' is 'koningin' ('king-in')
'King in!', the command went, when the king wanted to copulate a female subject. The tradition of sack-races during nowadays Queen's Day is stil an unsubstantial extract from this habit to publicly express the royal lust.

Labour Day - 1st of may
Ther was a time that every day was a labour day, with sex as the highly necessary 'labour vitamin.' Carnal gathering was then considered to be pure relaxation and did not require such labour as nowadays. Getting a whiplash during intercourse was unthinkable. Fore- and afterplay lacked, because of the air of sewer and fish of the unwashed corpses.

Liberation Day - 5nd of may
The expression 'I will teach you' refers to the Eighty Years' War against the Spanish. Meant was an orgasm there was no end to - in those days not quite a recommendation. After the yoke of the Moors the Netherlands were one big mattress, with the 'Water-Beggars' like with the Canadians in 1945. With many little Water-Beggars as a result.

Day of the Little Princes - 3rd Tuesday of september - Dutch State of the Union
During the 'Day of the Little Princes' the male royal descendants got their sexual training. They were wheeled through the streets in a golden carriage, at which every young woman that was of any importance presented herself with her personal notes at hand. Hinted by the princes she handed her papers, that were kept in a leather brief-case. The best candidates would be invited for an instructive night at the palace.

Animal Day - 4th of october
Animal Day was, in former days, highly erotically loaded because of the instinctive lust of beasts. Sodomy was an often occurring habit all the year round, but on the 4th of october even the rabbits had to suffer for it because of their passion for procreation that was to put one's nose out of joint.

St Martin's Day - 11th of november
In dutch 'passing the pipe to St Martin,' means 'passing away.'
Calendar wisdom of the 11th of november: 'Woman, don't pass the pipe to Martin, but let your lantern shine, in order to receive sweets.'

Fed-Up Day - Bale Day
In dutch when you are fed up, you may say: 'I have bales (of tobacco) of it.'
During the nineteenth century, 'Bale Day' referred to the bales of hay on the land. To celebrate that the land had been getting 'ready,' the bales were used for a pleasant rest with a rural orgasm after the finishing of the work on a warm day in august.

Secretary's Day - Wednesday of the last full week of april
Diary entry of William of Orange: 'On this day I will not force open the corset of my secretary with an iron hammer. Neither will I take her the usual seven times in front and from behind, but I will tickle her delicate little knob patiently with a goose feather. After her shout of joy, I will feel free to resume my habits.

Whipped cream on the fancy cake refers to the old habit to celebrate the birthday by taking a mouthful of mother milk from the breast. Birthday sucking was then a lucrative employment for wet-nurses, who could often even raise their wages by additional labour of other nature ...

St Nicholas Eve - 5th of december
In dutch the word for both 'mould' and 'grey horse' (which is ridden by St Nicholas) is the same: 'schimmel.'
'Round about the 5th of december beware of mould infections to female private parts.' During the Middle Ages the superstition prevailed that tall men with long white hair and ditto beard could cure this affection with their sexual power by 'riding the grey horse.'
And, as a bonus the "birthday" picture in "full colour." I first mistyped the "l" and got: "fuk color", a relevant form of mistyping? ;) 
Emiel Jansens
How do I get
through the holidays
with a scratch ...
appropriate sex positions
for party-animals
from Christmas till Animal Day
feastly delicious

A feast of Intercourse positions.
Advices in the field of sex during holidays could be found over the centuries in almanacs and annuals. Better class people called on the help of a soothsayer or court physician, who based their advice on the state of the moon, for information on the proper intercourse position at the proper day. Therefore monday was an exquisite day to experiment on newly invented positions. Popular positions were the "Court Position" (group sex with courtiers) and "Hugo Grotius Position" (sex in a closed book chest). Especially common people were very superstitious when sex on Christian Holy-days was involved. In order to get remission for their sins, they made love preferably on a bed made from pages ripped off from a bible. The ink impressions on their bottoms was seen as a sign of approvement of God. Moreover, during confession they only had to show off their imprinted buttocks to qualify for getting absolution. Together with the illustrations of Emiel Jansens in this booklet, you will find a number of applicable old almanac references to festival days as we know them still nowadays.
Arrangement and translation:
Prof. Dr. A.J. Goejanverwellesluis

X-mas Day - 25th of december
'Whoever makes love during the last week of december shall commemorate the Christ child. Grease for that reason the rubyfruit of the woman with the bleeding from yhe abortion of a young sow that has not been impregnated by more than one boar. Let her not be in touch with the seed, in view of the immaculate conception of Maria.' (France, 1607)

Old Year Out, New Year In Day - 31st of december-1st of january
During the turn of the year, mothers kept their daughters in house, because the superstition was that the aged people could heave their approaching death beyond the new year by mating a fresh virgin. The rare individual that could get hold of a young woman, let off rockets to draw the attention of others to her presence: the beginning of a tradition.

Epiphany Day - 6th of january
On the 6th of january massive orgies took place of male trios. The attendants imagined they were Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar, the three three Wise Men from the East. One believed that the trios had been touched by their wisdom after the intercourse. That held also for the one who made love with these men during the three days afterwards.

Valentine's Day - 14th of february
The day that Saint Valentine had been decapitated and all birds were supposed to mate. Salve of the male genitals of the turtle-dove was seen as an appropriate remedy for impotence and infertility. About the French Sun King is known that he made his pubic hair cut with a pair of scisors made of the bill of a turtle-dove.

Easter Day
Touch the ovaries:'during Easter the woman hides herself barebuttocked, outside in the bush and puts her legs widely apart in the air. Her blindfolded man gropes his way to her and dips his stick in her ovum.' (Belgium, 1754). Coming was called 'hatching' or 'making scrambled eggs.'

Queen's Day - 30th of april (a dutch holiday, birthday of the former queen Juliana)
In dutch, the word for 'queen' is 'koningin' ('king-in')
'King in!', the command went, when the king wanted to copulate a female subject. The tradition of sack-races during nowadays Queen's Day is stil an unsubstantial extract from this habit to publicly express the royal lust.

Labour Day - 1st of may
Ther was a time that every day was a labour day, with sex as the highly necessary 'labour vitamin.' Carnal gathering was then considered to be pure relaxation and did not require such labour as nowadays. Getting a whiplash during intercourse was unthinkable. Fore- and afterplay lacked, because of the air of sewer and fish of the unwashed corpses.

Liberation Day - 5nd of may
The expression 'I will teach you' refers to the Eighty Years' War against the Spanish. Meant was an orgasm there was no end to - in those days not quite a recommendation. After the yoke of the Moors the Netherlands were one big mattress, with the 'Water-Beggars' like with the Canadians in 1945. With many little Water-Beggars as a result.

Day of the Little Princes - 3rd Tuesday of september - Dutch State of the Union
During the 'Day of the Little Princes' the male royal descendants got their sexual training. They were wheeled through the streets in a golden carriage, at which every young woman that was of any importance presented herself with her personal notes at hand. Hinted by the princes she handed her papers, that were kept in a leather brief-case. The best candidates would be invited for an instructive night at the palace.

Animal Day - 4th of october
Animal Day was, in former days, highly erotically loaded because of the instinctive lust of beasts. Sodomy was an often occurring habit all the year round, but on the 4th of october even the rabbits had to suffer for it because of their passion for procreation that was to put one's nose out of joint.

St Martin's Day - 11th of november
In dutch 'passing the pipe to St Martin,' means 'passing away.'
Calendar wisdom of the 11th of november: 'Woman, don't pass the pipe to Martin, but let your lantern shine, in order to receive sweets.'

Fed-Up Day - Bale Day
In dutch when you are fed up, you may say: 'I have bales (of tobacco) of it.'
During the nineteenth century, 'Bale Day' referred to the bales of hay on the land. To celebrate that the land had been getting 'ready,' the bales were used for a pleasant rest with a rural orgasm after the finishing of the work on a warm day in august.

Secretary's Day - Wednesday of the last full week of april
Diary entry of William of Orange: 'On this day I will not force open the corset of my secretary with an iron hammer. Neither will I take her the usual seven times in front and from behind, but I will tickle her delicate little knob patiently with a goose feather. After her shout of joy, I will feel free to resume my habits.

Whipped cream on the fancy cake refers to the old habit to celebrate the birthday by taking a mouthful of mother milk from the breast. Birthday sucking was then a lucrative employment for wet-nurses, who could often even raise their wages by additional labour of other nature ...

St Nicholas Eve - 5th of december
In dutch the word for both 'mould' and 'grey horse' (which is ridden by St Nicholas) is the same: 'schimmel.'
'Round about the 5th of december beware of mould infections to female private parts.' During the Middle Ages the superstition prevailed that tall men with long white hair and ditto beard could cure this affection with their sexual power by 'riding the grey horse.'

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