dinsdag 7 juli 2009


Another subject, we must pay attention to, is "games."

Today I will give you three examples of card games I got.

Enjoy them.

The saying "A dirty mind is a joy for ever" seems to have inspired the makers of the Erotic Memory Game I once bought in the Amsterdam Erotic Shop "Female & Partners," if I remember correctly.

The box, of which you can see the top and one of the sides above, measures 12.5x12.5x4 cm.

The little memory cards measure 5.3x5.3 cm, and have a "satin look" back side.

The next games have been gifts with the Dutch Penthouse Comix Magazine I mentioned earlier.
The first one is an "Erotic Quartet Game," with cards measuring 7x5 cm.
The categories are:

Dick Piercings (Hole Filler/Bonehead/Ball Bearer/Ring Tilter)
Toewax (compare: Earwax) (High-Flying/Sweaty Soles/Spread Toes/Toewax)
Second Skin (Horeca/Crime/Recreation/Care Sector)
Bosom Friends (Mad Dolly/Eye Candy/Mama Mia/Farrah Façade)
Festal Vaginas (Ting-a-Ling/Pinch-a-Thing/Ring-a-Ding/Chain Link)
Spring-Cleaning (Rinsing/Soaking/Cleaning/Scouring)
Mouth Shut (Plaster/Dish-Cloth/Muzzle/Skipping-Rope)
Handstands (Twaddling/Taking Aim/Licking/Lapping
Lip-Reading (Fold/Blabber/Mussel/Stripe)

The back sides of the Erotic Quartet Game shows an ad for an Erotic Sex Phone:
"The best place for an orgy, Cum soon in my hot pussy"

The last one is another Memory Game: PCX Memory, the cards measure 4.8x4.8 cm

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